It was September 2008 when I introduced myself to the world of blogging, to start putting down random thoughts and 'stuff' to anyone who would be mad (or desperate) enough to read. Only two did.... which I have to admit was a bit of a disappointment. Well, when I say 'bit of' you will know that for days I walked around in a blue funk, weeping and wailing that yet again, nobody liked me. I couldn't even make virtual friends. What was wrong with me. After much hair pulling out and gernashing of teeth, I decided to persevere though.
I have never attracted huge amounts of blogging groupies, of commentators (or commentors, whichever is correct). The most comments I have had left has been 17, the highest number of followers, 20. Small fry indeed compared to some with dozens or even hundreds of followers and comments left every time they post. They could post that they had cut their toe nails and doubtless there would be dozens of comments left. But, it's OK, small is good, small is beautiful, and in this case it's not size that matters, but the quality. So I like to think I have a small, but perfectly formed group of loyal followers.
I have learnt a lot along the way whilst walking the blogging path; new things to make, books to read that would otherwise have passed me by and denied me a real treat. I have found again my love of crochet and quilting. I have tried new things that haven't always worked out... needle felting for one. Creative journalling is another, though I've modified my interest in this to the creative calendars over at thirdagemusings (thanks Jill for the inspiration). Mine will never be as good, as arty, as free flowing as hers, but I am having fun, which is the main thing. At one point I was stuck though.. here I had this lovely new book (courtesy of The Pink Pig company), full of empty pages and promises/hopes to be fulfilled, of being arty and clever and have folk oohing and aahing over it, positively salivating at my wonderfully creative calendar. Well.. you gotta have hope!

One thing I have decided about my calendar is that in future, after January, it will be different from Jill's and the normal calendar with a square per day and so on. I shall use wonderful scrap book papers and other embellishments, just have a square for a day when there is something I particularly want to say. Though it's difficult to find anything as I keep a daily journal, so all my thoughts and ideas go in there. But January was all about hope, it being the beginning of a new decade, and of being inspired. It seems many of you felt the same, something to do with the blue moon possibly? But I have been inspired to take up my creative writing again and so Wednesday is Writing Day when I do lessons and exercises, work on stories or pieces I want to submit to magazines, and have already submitted one to YOURS which is under consideration, and had a different version of my Norfolk Village blog published in our bi-monthly all colour village magazine. I am inspired to read more classic literature this year, and am reading (for the umpteenth time) Pride and Prejudice at present, a lovely cloth-covered old version with illustrations.
Next month the calendar pages will be pink, it will all be to do with LOVE of course, with hearts and pictures of things and people in my life which I love, which are important to me, and words of love too, from some of the romantic poets. I have lots of ideas, and thanks to the Panduro catalogue, lots of lovely scrapbooking papers to decorate future pages with, so it may not be as good as some, but I am enjoying playing and being creative in my own way.
And just a final note.... we went out yesterday, and drove along Sunny Hunny seafront towards a snow storm blowing in off The Wash. It looked much more exciting and dangerous than the pictures depict... a mobile camera is OK but not brilliant. A couple of hundred yards further along and it was like driving through thick grey fog along pristine sparkling white roads. The cliff top car park was almost devoid of cars, just one hardy couple battling the elements which hadn't been there when they set out probably. It was spectacular.

It's the beginning of the weekend and there's new fallen snow - an inch or so - and I'm here with my cup of coffee reading your post.
Much of what you're saying about Followers and Comment-ers holds true here at my house also.
Since beginning my blog I've met so many wonderful, creative, talented, and just plain nice people.
It has changed my life. Wouldn't know what to do without a bit of Blogland each day.
It certainly is weird isn't it how some folk seem to gather followers round them and others don't bit like at a party when you are the one standing alone a Johnny No-friend eh?! I agree with you though that small is often better and to have a few good followers with whom one has an affinity (is that the word I mean?) is OK too.
Your snow storm must have been impressive - none here as yet and hopefully none to come either!
I was going to join Jill in making a journal but somehow it didn't get done and like you I wondered if I might do better to do more of a scrapbook page rather than a daily journal. I might give it a go starting in Feb - always was a late starter!
Congratulations on your 100th post.
Hey now N., you have to take in account us "lurkers". I love to pop in to see what is going on and have only commented once just to wish you a Merry Christmas. Some of the best reading I've done are books that you have recommended and I love to watch your projects unfold. I think your blog is fabulous!!! Congrats on the 100th post.
Hello and Congratulations on reaching Your 100th post.
You are right it is quality that counts and Your writing certainly has that.
This looks like a Wonderful giveaway, I'm going to keep my fingers crossed ;o)
Wishing You a Happy weekend xxx
Warm Hugs
I have only been blogging since August, and can identify muchly with all that you say! What I love most about your posts is that are not like little haikus of perfectly formed, perfectly posed moments. You write with great detail and depth. So thanks for that- as for this picture of the lighthouse- I drove under a crushing grey cannonball falling from the sky yesterday which turned out to be a snowstorm! With Sumea I'll keep my (amateur) fingers crossed for some professional things!
Thank you for letting me know about your giveaway and thank you for visiting over at projectforty and my other blogs. Blogging, for me, is just one big way to learn about others, what they do, what I want to do, ideas and all sorts of amazing things. Congrats on your 100th post!
I have enjoyed reading your thoughts and would like to be included in this 100th blog -I soo want o start ablog this year but am still reticent about dipping in my toe!
Congrats on the milestone.
As much as I would love to be included in your lovely giveaway I understand that I am a knitter in the US.
Many more posts to come.
My anniversary passed me by too. I would love to enter your giveaway too. Will post the details of the chicken in my next post. I had to get it from America and it took about a week. The designer also has a lovely blog. Enjoy your day. Dev x
Congratulations on your 100th blog. I think that is a terrific output and envious that you find new things to blog about. I have also been inspired by your book recommendations thank you. Love the journalling, again great inspiration - I just wish I had the time but you know how my life is! Small is beautiful N. Thanks for some great reading.
Congrats on post no 100. I think the most important thing about a blog is that you like what you write. Comments are very welcome but I sometimes wonder about those blogs that get hundreds and hundreds on each post. Small and personal is best and that's what you have. Here's to your next 100 quality rants, I mean posts.
You have been an insiration to me with your crafts, projects and ideas.
Your stacks of great books and pictures cause me to try to come up with some same-liked projects.
I took some pics of our treck to Arizona and the landscape of the desert along the way for you to check out.
I often wonder if anyone is checking in on my blog!
Some look but aren't into signing up so that they can comment.
what more can one to do?
I'd love to be included in your drawing!!
Yes please PFG! I've only recently discovered you but will be back again - the blogging world is strange indeed but i've made some very good cyber friends! Email address is flower.pot@btinternet.com Thanks!
Happy 100th post. I came here from My Life in Flip Flops and am now off to browse your archives. (Don't you just love to do that with a newly discovered blog?)
Well PFG 100 eh, your looking well !!. I agree with the general concensus that quality is what matters, and you certainly have that. Reading the comments I was pleased to see so many unfamiliar names, and as mentioned people do drop in and out without commenting. As you know I tend to follow you other blog but I always stick my nose into this one. I think you must find it very rewarding when comments are made along the lines of "you've been an inspiration to me". You've even tempted me to test the water. Here's to the next 100
I have enjoyed everything you have written, and you have a wonderful blog to follow.
I love your calander and so does my step granddaugher. There are so many lovely blogs out there, but you are number 1 on my reading list.
Look forward to post 101!!!!!!!!
Lovely post about all things bloggy. I agree with what you say and can't imagine life without my bloggy friends. And like real life it is quality not quantity that matters!
Congratulations on your centenary.
Dear Pink,
Congrats on #100. I am so jealous that you really ARE writing on Wednesdays. Still a miserable failure at that. Maybe this week.
what's the problem with circular needles. I have never used them before..are they very difficult to work with? Devx x
Goodness, can it really be that long. Along with the others I do enjoy your posts and apologise for not having had time to read them recently but I know you know why and will understand.
I miss reading and blogging HUGELY at the moment but still have another 8 days before BT get us connected and that only if it happens. Needles to say I will be trying it out straight away.
Keep blogging away PFG and keeping us updated and recommending books.
Much love
Well done with 100 posts - an achievement in itself. I shall pass on the knitting!
I'm in the small is beautiful camp too, but thats good.
Congratulations on your 100th post.
Hello there! Thanks for leaving a kind comment on my blog. I've just come across to meet you! LOvely, interesting chat. Think I'll be popping in again. Ros
Hello and thank you so much for leaving a comment on my giveaway so that I could come and visit YOU! You have a charming blog and I would love to be included in your lovely knitting giveaway. Thank you for telling me about it!
I am someone who loves the weather. I don't moan about it, no point really, there is always a good side to it. If it's beautiful sunshine or even just bright I get outside and walk or garden, if it's snow, hail, rain, blustery, windy, cold ... I stay snuggly at home ... always a good excuse for some knitting, sewing or arty farty stuff
Bye for now
Congrats on your 100th post, and what a lovely giveaway. I know what you mean about comments - it gives you such a buzz when someone has commented , doesn't it? You just have to know that lots of people read your blog, even if they are too shy to comment x
I felt so sad when I read this post!
I started to read your blog well over a year ago, but for some reason I couldn't leave a comment, even once I had joined google. Maybe there were others like me out there? Anyway, I gave up even trying!
Haven't read your blogs recently PFG as I have lost sight of you in Purple Coo. At a loose end tonight as too tired to do any more packing for France so trawled through blogs to read.
Congrats on the 100th post. I've a way to go.
Those socks look good.
Must look you up again soon - you are always worth a read.
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