And the other thing I am doing is a creative calendar, which many of you will know about from jilltaylor-thirdagemusings.blogspot.com who has laid down a challenge. I had already started mine anyway, having been inspired by sights of her own calendar on previous postings on her blogspot.
This book is my inspiration. It is so easy to read, gives you ideas aplenty, if you need a kickstart in the arty department. I just don't need a kickstart, I need to be pushed along as well, for I am not that good an artist. No, correction. I am a lousy artist. I can design abstract and other designed cards, can do freestyle tapestry, but when it comes to actual drawing... forget it. However, Violette in the above book tells you how to draw a face. I followed her instruction and voila, I had a face. So this has filled me with hope - and determination to try harder with this as well. So I am starting with the calendar, using bits from the JOURNAL BLISS book for inspiration.
I love the colour purple... this has come out more virulent than it actually is I have to say, but I wanted to start the year with a colour I particularly liked, to inspire me to carry on, and because I love the colour. I have two inch squares of blue card cut out and a plethora of bits and bobs to play with to add texture and colour.
I saw this carrying bag in a certain craft catalogue a couple of years ago, it comes in two different sizes. I loved it, wanted it, but couldn't justify the cost. Then sometime last year (nearly put 'this year' then!) it was on sale, so I could suddenly justify buying it.. to myself only you understand, my lovely husband never questions what I spend our money on. Then it sat in a cupboard, as I couldn't fill it, it didn't look right with needles and yarn, didn't seem designed for that, even though I had seen it so filled. Then I bought pots of paint, discoverd boxes of chalks, tins of watercolour pencils, glue sticks, felt tips, gel pens..... and all those little pocketses were about to be filled.
Then there are packets of paper notions, different shapes and colours and designs.

And suddenly I have enough crafty pieces to be going on with, though I still want some smaller pots of acrylics. And no doubt by the time I have finished looking at the craft catalogue again, there will be a few other little items I can't manage without!
I am also coming up to my one hundredth posting on this blog and plan a giveaway all to do with knitting. But more of that anon.
For now, let me wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR. I have so enjoyed this journey through blogland, read some fab blogs, some not so good so they were only read the once. There are some intersting, talented, funny bloggers out there, mainly women it has to be said.. or maybe it is only women mainly who follow me. I know there is the lovely Mark with his often thought-provoking postings from the bikeshed, and my old friend Fyldecoaster, who has finally got his blog up and running at fyldecoaster.blogspot.com if you fancy a bit of nostalgia, which is the theme of his first posting, and possibly future ones as well.
I look forward to reading more of your postings, all of you, and your comments on my own blogs.
Thanks for dropping by as ever.
Nina...wishing you all the best for a healthy and peaceful 2010...
Nina.....i'm so happy that you have been inspired by my book journal bliss! I love the purple color you have laid out on your pages and your colorful artsy bucket...it kind of makes me want to play right away! I think if you left it somewhere where you'd see it every day that you'll be making art a daily practise. Same with your writing - if you have some writing implements - like papers, pens etc. say out in a pretty decorative tray (you could always make it yourself from cardboard and decorative papers)- you'd probably write a bit more each day.
Happy New Year!
Love, Violette
Happy new year to you.
Heaven is some paper, colours and glue with a bit of variation of course!!
Dear PinkFairy,
Can you give me some guidance on where to get a subscription to a writing magazine (never thought of that!) and how to get some writing "assignments". Would really like to practice, but ideas are my short suit right now. That sounds like a good way to get some discipline going.
Just found your blog a couple of weeks ago, but have enjoyed it. Happy 2010!
Happy New Year, Nina!
Your back garden looks lovely covered with the fresh blanket of snow. It seems so serene.I love your blue garden bench.
Good for you setting out to work on a new challenge in the journaling and calendaring. I shall have to check out Violette's challenge.
Your new art sack looks so inviting
and actually inspires me to go into my studio and take out all of my goodies and create.
I think this is why my doll friends like to get together, we can always try something new together and encourage each other while e create.
Getting into that room though is the most difficult step and this year a schedule is a must for me.
I am going to make myself a list of projects and check them off as they are completed.
Possibly a new post!
Happy New Year! Looks as if you're all set for a very creative 2010 & I look forward to hearing all about it here! Rebecca x
a really good lot of thoughts and aims that I so identify with! - I have just started writing poetry again after going on a course and have booked some more for the new year - I think I shal have writing Wednesdays too!!!
Great uplifting positive inspiring post. Just what one needs for the New Year. Love your art bucket, and your plans for the year, you won't have time to blog!
Happy New Year to you both dearest PFG.
Good for you, all fired up to take 2010 by storm as you surely will. Look forward to hearing all about it.
Thanks for the thoughts. I would be happy to share "progress reports". Might be a bit like AA co-sponsors! I have done some googling of articles and books and now think I want to go to a bookstore and see what I can touch. What I really want is my 8th grade teacher to stand by me and say, "today, write 500 words on ____." but doubt that I will find anything that rudimentary. But let's try. I actually have an idea for this week - only 51 to go!
I love your energy, its such an inspiration!
I myself am a year behind..
Wonderful read!!
Hugs and Smiles
Nina - you need a good dose of Wreck this Journal if you want to loosen up your style. I was always very inhibited in allowing myself to 'let go' until I gave myself permission. Get yourself a cheap book and just mess it up - remember, anything goes, embrace your mistakes and never rip out a page if you don't like it - instead change it. Googling Wreck this Journal will lead to lots of ideas, don't but a book on it don't join a group, just do it - have fun!
So, did you write yesterday? I let life interfere and didn't carve out time, altho I thought a lot both Tuesday and yesterday about what I wanted to write, and got up early this morning to put the words on paper. It's a start.
Wow- I've read down to here and my head is full of thoughts and more thoughts. Love the craft carrier- may thus even more productivity be yours! My hubbie has a blog- but admittedly goes to it monthly rather than daily!
I envy your creativity!! Timeshare Relief
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